Meet my client, Caryn Starr-Gates. She is the CEO of StarrGates Business Communications. Caryn is a professional freelance copywriter and marketing consultant. She helps companies market their messages through advertising, marketing, and public relations. She is also my amazing copywriter! If you want to check out her work, visit my website ( Caryn proofread the […]

Branding, Business Feature

March 1, 2022

Caryn Starr-Gates | Copywriter | StarrGates Business Communications

A woman sitting on her stairs and wearing multiple hats for a fun branding photoshoot.

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.” – David Brier Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to own who you are. In a world that’s increasingly digital, your personal brand is what tells people who you are, what you do, and what makes you […]

Branding, Tips

December 1, 2021

Personal Branding – Beginners Checklist

An African American female business attorney sitting on a couch and talking on the phone.

I’m so excited to launch my new website! I was feeling stuck for a while and was never happy with my website, no matter how many hours I spent updating it. I didn’t have a clear idea of what makes me unique from the sea of photographers. When Jill from JKL Consulting was offering a […]


June 1, 2021

My Re-branding Experience

Visuals play a crucial role in how you portray your personal brand to your customers and clients. It’s important to remember that customers shop with their eyes and will often make decisions based on their first impression of someone. Personal branding involves influencing the way potential customers see you and view your products or services, […]


January 21, 2020

Why Personal Branding Photography is a Must for Entrepreneurs