Tired of using stock images? Want to have more consistent images for your social media post?
Here are 5 photography tips for you to get your images to look more professional:
Tip 1: Use what you have and use it all the time – Whether you have a cell phone camera, point & shoot camera, or DSLR camera, pick one camera that you will use to photograph all the time.
Tip 2: Clean your lens – Always clean and wipe your lens to ensure there is no dirt or smudge on your lens so you have clear images and don’t need to waste time editing.
Tip 3: Use a tripod – Using a tripod can help reduce the camera shake that causes blurry pictures and can photograph at the same angle every time.
Tip 4: Color scheme/logo – If your brand has a specific color scheme/logo that you want to incorporate into your images, you can place it in the background or as the main focus of your image. Do it consistently so your brand color scheme or logo can be recognized easily.
Tip 5: White space – If you plan to add text on your images, make sure you leave enough space around your subject…we call it the white space. This way, you can add text or edit accordingly based on what you need to share with your audience.
Want to read the next 5 tips, click HERE.
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