Personal Brand Worksheet

Personal Brand


"Personal Branding is about building authority that gets people to PAY ATTENTION to your message and want to SHARE it and RECOMMEND it to others."
- Mark Traphagen

People buy from businesses they know, like, and trust.

How do you stand out from others while staying true to your values and mission? This is where personal branding comes in.

Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to show up authentically. With AI and other advanced technology in the digital world, your personal brand can set you apart and humanize your brand. It is why your prospect decides to hire you or buy from you to solve their problem.

But how do you start to build a personal brand?

This Personal Brand Worksheet can help you: 
✔️ Define your stories and your brand voice.
✔️ Gain clarity so you can create better marketing content to serve your audience and build your know, like, and trust factor.
✔️ Make a plan to show up confidently and consistently.

Get your worksheet and let's build a memorable brand to grow your business!

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* This worksheet is a Google Doc.
** Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchase, there will be no refunds or exchanges.


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